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The Highlander’s Bride Trouble Page 3

  Saer MacLeod.

  Nareen pushed her lips into a pout. The man was arrogant and presumptuous, so why did he continue to fascinate her so much that he invaded her dreams?

  Perhaps she was better off not knowing the answer to that question. She’d decided she would not wed, so it was best to avoid thinking about men at all.

  The inner yard was full of maids and retainers making their way to the small chapel inside the castle. Off in the distance, she could hear the bell tolling in the village church. The gate was lowered and barred, with only a few retainers remaining on the walls to keep watch. Everyone else made their way inside for the morning devotion.

  The priest had already begun the first prayers. She dipped her fingers into the holy water, making the sign of the cross over herself as she hurried to find a place in the congregation. The other Ross serving girls shifted to make room for her. She was just feeling relieved, when she looked at the front of the chapel.

  Saer MacLeod stood there, his dark gaze on her instead of on the altar.

  She froze, and someone bumped into her. Saer’s lips twitched as she stumbled and half fell into one of the back pews. The priest turned around and caught her staring slack-jawed at Saer MacLeod.

  The retainers manning the gate shouldn’t have allowed him inside during the night.

  She bit her lip as she realized how something she counted as a benefit also worked to allow Saer to torment her. Granting shelter to other clans was common. When the man in question was a new laird, and there was an unmarried daughter in the Ross family, offering him hospitality just might have rewards for both clans.

  Abigail was staring at the priest, completely ignoring Saer. There was a pinched look to her lips that Nareen recognized. Her mistress was not pleased at all.

  The moment the last prayer finished, Abigail jerked her skirt up and headed down the main aisle. The rest of the Rosses held still, making way for her.

  “There ye are at last,” Abigail grumbled.

  Nareen fell into step behind her as Abigail made her way through the double doors of the chapel and into the dark entryway. Two passages led to smaller workrooms built alongside the main chapel, that were used by the priests as they worked on manuscripts—places of peace and quiet. But Abigail felt none of those things. She scowled at Nareen, her eyes bright with anger, and jerked her head toward one of the workrooms. Nareen followed, her cheeks reddening, because the Rosses were standing behind their mistress and watching the entire exchange. At least deeper in the stone passageway, she was able to hear the congregation making their way out of the sanctuary.

  “I thought I told ye back at court to make sure that savage MacLeod stopped looking at ye.” Abigail sent her a stern look. “He’s followed ye here.”

  “I doubt that,” Nareen responded firmly. “No unwed laird needs to chase women. Most of the daughters in the Highlands are plotting on how to get him to wed them.”

  Abigail didn’t care for how easily Nareen spoke her mind, but she put up with it because she didn’t want one of her own clanswomen tending to her. They would tell her father anything he asked. Their loyalty was to the clan first.

  “Then why is he here?” Abigail demanded.

  “It is summer,” Nareen offered. “It’s likely the man is traveling on business.”

  Her cheeks heated as she recalled Saer’s words from the night before. Abigail didn’t miss the bright color.

  “Did ye sneak out to be with him last eve?”

  There was a glimmer of excitement in Abigail’s eyes as she rolled her lower lip with her teeth. The raw lust was shocking, but it also brought back the odd twisting feeling in Nareen’s belly. She could not lust for Saer MacLeod.

  Or any man. But most especially not him.

  Abigail was still watching her. She let out a little sigh. “So ye like the savage ones.”

  “I do nae,” Nareen defended herself.

  Abigail let out a husky, knowledgeable laugh. “Ye’re virgin.”

  “Of course I am.”

  Abigail wasn’t impressed. The woman looked at Nareen like she was a babe in need of instruction.

  Abigail shrugged. “Even the Holy Mother Mary rid herself of virginity. Ye’ll see what a nuisance it is once ye grow up enough to stop worrying that God will strike ye down for enjoying yer own body. I am impressed, though. I suppose ye chose to become me servant to avoid being sold by yer cousin. Ruth did know how to please her customers. Some men like virgins above all else. She’d have gotten quite a tidy sum for ye with those plump tits ye have. I had two offers for ye last Season at court. Don’t be foolish with the savage. He’ll give ye nothing for yer maidenhead.” Abigail offered her a sly smile. “Let me arrange a liaison at court for ye, and we’ll share the gold.”

  Nareen was struck dumb. Abigail turned and headed toward the center of the church again. She moved confidently through the sanctuary and out the front doors without a hint of remorse for her torrid words, spoken so boldly in the very house of the Lord.

  She’d known.

  Known what Ruth planned and had not offered help until Nareen reached out to her. For the first time, Nareen realized it might not be so good an arrangement for her. Abigail had much in common with Ruth, it seemed.

  “It appears ye have nae escaped from yer cousin Ruth’s plans for ye.” Saer MacLeod spoke from behind her, his tone low and edged with anger. Every muscle in Nareen’s body drew tight.

  “Abigail Ross is no better a mistress for ye,” he said grimly. “Ye’ll leave with me at dawn.”

  Nareen drew herself up and locked gazes with him. “I’ll be going nowhere with ye. Serving the Ross is me choice.”

  Even if she now doubted how safe she was. But she wouldn’t be reaching to Saer MacLeod for help. No, she’d fend for herself.

  She made to walk away, but Saer stepped into her path. For so large a man, he moved quickly.

  “Ye need counsel, Nareen. I’ve been in the country for only two years, and I know of Abigail’s reputation. She was very serious, lass,” he offered gravely.

  Nareen shook her head. “I will simply make it clear that I want none of it.” But she didn’t care for how little confidence she had in her own words.

  Saer was no fool and heard the way her voice faltered.

  “She feeds only her desires. Her clan could have benefited from her marriage. Instead of doing her duty to her kin, she cannae wait to begin planning new schemes.”

  There was no way to ignore the truth of his words.

  “I know she’s selfish,” Nareen confessed, “but she will nae sell me without me consent.”

  “Do nae be so sure,” he warned.

  She didn’t care for the sense of vulnerability his words unleashed. It raced through her, threatening to undermine her confidence. “Abigail is pleased with me, and I with her. She will nae jeopardize our arrangement.”

  She hoped.

  Nareen tried to go around him, but he lifted his arm and pressed his hand flat against the wall next to her head, blocking her way. Heads turned their way as the rest of the congregation passed by on their way back to their duties. Yet no one interfered.

  He leaned closer and lowered his voice. “Are ye certain?”

  She shivered, the reaction instant and uncontrollable.

  “Ye should nae be, lass,” he said. “Nae a single Ross will even stop to ensure ye are well. They have left ye here to deal with me on yer own.”

  “They have no reason to think ye would harm me,” Nareen snapped.

  “It should cross one of their minds to make certain I am nae as savage as me reputation.”

  “Ye are twisting things to favor yer opinion that I should leave with ye,” she countered. “I will nae be changing me mind about me feelings for ye.”

  She propped her hand onto
her hip, and his eyes narrowed. His expression gave her no hint to his thoughts, but her knees weakened as anticipation twisted her.

  “I accept yer challenge,” he informed her.

  Her mouth went dry.

  “I am nae challenging ye.” But her voice had turned husky with longing.

  His lips lifted in an arrogant grin. “Ye are, Nareen, and I enjoy it full well.”

  She shook her head, but his dark eyes flickered with determination. A moment later, he pressed his lips against hers. She gasped, recoiling, but the wall was solid behind her and gave her no room to escape. Saer cupped her nape, sending another shiver down her spine at the strength in his grip. There was something primitive about the way he controlled her, holding her in such a place.

  He might snap her neck if he chose.

  Instead, he kissed her.

  She stiffened, rejecting him with every fiber of her being. But he didn’t smash her lips beneath his. Saer pressed a firm kiss against her lips and then another before he swept his tongue along her lower lip. One soft lap that made her notice how velvety the surface of his tongue was.

  It didn’t hurt.

  And his fingertips weren’t digging into her nape.

  Surprise flashed through her, making her gasp.

  Saer took advantage of her open lips, deepening the kiss. This time she couldn’t help but notice how pleasant his lips felt against her own. She’d never considered that a man’s lips might be soft. Saer’s were.

  He coaxed her with gentle pressure to kiss him back. He teased her with slow laps along the sensitive surface of her lips to open her mouth farther. When she did, he deepened the kiss and unleashed a need that twisted her insides. Heat flashed through her, making her clothing feel constricting. Her breasts felt swollen as her nipples slowly contracted behind her bodice. It was overwhelming, and she shoved against his chest, struggling to slip away from him.

  When he prevented her, she reached up and slapped him.

  The sound was loud and echoed inside the chapel. But there was no one to hear. Even the priest had disappeared. She was utterly abandoned.

  Fear bit into her, its venom nauseating her. She shook her head, trying to stave it off, but her eyes brightened with unshed tears. Saer’s keen gaze settled on her eyes, infuriating her, because she was very much afraid he saw how glassy they were.

  At least anger burned away the fear, so she welcomed it and cast aside any further attempts at being civil.

  “I am nae yers,” she said, but her tone lacked all strength.

  He started toward her but froze at the plea in her tone. She heard him pull in a harsh breath before he gripped the wide belt holding his kilt against his lean waist.

  “A kiss is nae a claim of ownership.” His tone was gentler than she expected. The lack of arrogance surprised her, stilling her need to move away. But she still shook her head, unable to stop disagreeing with him.

  “I did nae hurt ye. I know me strength and how to control it.”

  She gave a bitter bark of laughter. “All men do. Just as they all know when they no longer have to temper their will. I’ll nae make the mistake of putting meself at any man’s mercy.”

  She turned away, intent on leaving him through the back of the workroom.

  “We’re nae finished, Nareen.”

  He was so close his breath brushed her ear. Saer moved with an unnatural speed, reaching out to encircle her waist. He bound her to him, bringing their bodies into contact from shoulders to feet. Her skirts compressed, allowing her to feel his legs behind her.

  “I am nae a challenge,” she insisted, turning her head to make sure he heard her.

  “Ye are,” Saer told her in a deep whisper.

  She opened her mouth to argue, and he sealed his hand over it.

  “But nae in the manner ye believe, Nareen. It is nae conquest for the sake of claiming a prize that I seek.”

  She stretched her neck, trying to dislodge his hand. Victory was hers for a short moment, but he slid his fingers down her chin and along her neck to rest against the spot in her throat where her pulse throbbed. Shame filled her as he found the telltale proof of her racing heart. He made a soft sound of male approval that sent a shudder through her. She felt surrounded by him, and part of her enjoyed it immensely, begging her to soften and yield to his embrace.

  “Ye are a challenge because ye test me control to entice ye until ye yield.”

  “I do nae want ye to,” she claimed.

  “Which is why I want to return to yer cousin’s house and beat her until she gives me the names of the men who laid rough hands on ye.”

  She shifted, trying to ease her way out of his hold. “I do nae recall them at all.”

  It was a lie. The boldest one she had ever told, and she was not sorry. She was going to say it again and again until she believed it.

  “I’m going to teach ye the pleasure of touch.”

  His voice had deepened and softened until it was like the stroke of a feather. Just barely there. She relaxed, sinking back against him to make sure she heard him.

  She shouldn’t. It was a weakness, one that would see her suffer at his hands once he gained what he wished.

  “Once I yield, all ye will do is take. It is the nature of a man.” She tried to gently push his arm away from her, but he held firm. “I lack a submissive nature, Saer. It might amuse ye now, but ye will lose patience with me in time.”

  “Do ye hear the difference in me tone, Nareen?” He kissed the shell of her ear. “Listen to me and learn the difference between a man who knows pleasure should be shared, nae just taken.”

  He stroked lower, across skin she’d never realized was so sensitive. Beneath his fingertips, her flesh was humming with appreciation. Goose bumps spread down her torso until her nipples puckered once again.

  “Ye are using words to dull me wits.” She stretched her neck away from his hand. “To confuse.”

  “Perhaps I am trying to prove me worth.” He stroked her neck again, this time all the way up to her chin, where his hand cupped her jaw. It was a slow motion, one that drew a gasp from her as sensation went thundering through her.

  A pleasurable sensation, without a doubt.

  There was no lying to herself.

  He turned her face so she might see his eyes. “I prefer it this way, lass, for I have never been a man to be taken at merely me word.” His eyes closed to mere slits. “Showing ye is going to be me pleasure.” His lips curved, setting off a coil of excitement in her belly. “It will be yers too.”

  She jerked her face away, unable to remain still with his gaze boring into hers. He saw too much. Noticed too many things she needed to keep hidden. She might bear it, so long as no one witnessed the ugliness.

  “I…cannae.” The words were a plea. A tear escaped as the words made it past her resolve to remain strong. “Release me, please.”

  “That would be an unkind thing.”

  There was a solidness in his tone that made her heart accelerate. She battled the wave of panic trying to crest as he leaned over and kissed the side of her neck. The contact was jarring. She jerked, so tightly wound with anticipation. With all of her senses heightened, the impact of that gentle touch was extreme.

  Her skin hummed with approval and begged for more.

  Saer didn’t disappoint her either. He trailed kisses along the column of her throat, making a slow progress that drove her mad with longing. She found herself stretching her neck out for him, making certain he missed none of the tender flesh where her neck and collarbone met.

  “That is the way, lass…”

  His voice was merely a whisper. In the darkened hallway, with the sunlight blocked by the walls of the doorway, she was almost sure she had fallen into some sort of enchantment.

  Except Saer was so
lid behind her. Everything about him was hard, but for some reason, she found it enticing. She lowered her chin, trying to force herself to open her eyes wide.

  “Nae, lass, we are just beginning.”

  He cupped her jaw and raised her chin until she was leaning her head back against his powerful shoulder.

  “And I am eager to show ye how a man honors the trust granted to him by a lass.”


  She didn’t realize she’d spoken until his chest rumbled behind her. But it wasn’t amusement. It was a deep, low growl that reminded her of just how powerful a creature he was.

  “Aye,” he confirmed before tracing the surface of her lower lip with his finger. She was suddenly trembling with the need to feel his kiss. The delicate surface of her lips tingled. She moved against him in purely instinctual motion.

  She didn’t understand it, but it felt good.

  She moved again, and Saer did too. Rolling his body from side to side and pressing against her, he slid his hand over her eyes, blocking out the daylight and leaving her sinking into the sensation her body was experiencing.

  “Feel, lass. Do naught but feel.”

  She reached for his arm, eager to do as he commanded. With his shirt tied up to the shoulders, there was nothing to separate her from his warm flesh. His forearm was hard, the definition of the muscles clear. She stroked him, trying to absorb all of his strength. It fanned the flames of need smoldering inside her.

  His body hair was thicker than hers and crisp. It delighted her in a way she couldn’t describe, so she merely sighed with contentment.

  “That’s the way, lass…”

  She smiled at his praise, and he drew his hand down the side of her face. She turned her cheek until it rested against his breast so he might stroke the other side of her face. Her cheek was warm with a blush of excitement, and she wanted him to notice.

  Saer made a soft circle with his fingertips over the hot spot before trailing his hand down and over the corner of her lips. Just the corner, and she let out a little sound of disappointment when he continued along the column of her neck instead of teasing her lips.